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Parish Committees

Finance Council

This committee, consisting of appointed members, Pastor and accountants, oversees all aspects of parish administration, parish finances, budgeting process, and facilities management. Recommendations regarding these areas are sent to the Pastor and Pastoral Council.

The current members are:
Eric Clements, Mike Nesslein, Chris Hurst, Tim Baer


Parish Council

The Catholic Community of North Perry County has established a Unified Parish Council works to help us carry forward our Catholic faith and our mission, following in the footsteps of St. Vincent De Paul, to evangelize the poor and care for the educational and spirituatl needs of the members of our parishes. The Council establishes goals and objectives for the parishes in North Perry County. It promotes meaningful dialogue and decision making among the Priests, Religious, and Laity as they come together to share their insights.
Current members are:

Betty Berkbigler (St. Joseph - Highland)
Tina Boxdorfer (St. Vincent - Perryville)
Miuke Bullerdieck (Our Lady of Victory - Sereno)
Betty Garris (St. James - Crosstown)
Bruce Gibbar (St. Vincent) - Perryville
Jim Johnson (St. Vincent - Perryville)
Kris Niccum (Christ the Savior - Brewer)
Paula Niswonger (St. Vincent - Perryville)
Stacey Reitzel (St. Vincent - Perryville)
Craig Thieret (Our Lady of Victory - Sereno)
Jackie Wengert (Christ the Savior - Brewer)
Bob Zahner (St. Rose of Lima - Silver Lake)

The Unified Parish Council Meets the 4th Thursday of each month at 6pm. Meetings rotate among our 6 parishes. Our next meeing is Thursday, May 22 @ 6 pm at Our Lady of Victory (Sereno). All are welcome to attend.


Board of Education

This committee meets the first Wednesday of each month for the purpose of promoting Catholic Education in our Parish. Ten parishioners, who are elected by the parish for three year terms, serve with school principals, Parish School of Religion Coordinator, the PTO, and the Pastor. This body advises the Pastor on policy, fees, and tuition. The Board of Education administers the tuition program and, with the assistance of other parish organizations, endeavors to fund Catholic education through various other means.

Current members are:
Robin Valleroy, Jim Hennemann, Direk Hunt, Lynn Hellman, Steve King, Brian Chapman, David Derickson, Sarah Layton, Maureen Mattingly, Christine Clements

Church News Church Events Links
2024-2025 School Calendar

Attached is 2024-2025 St. Vincent Schools Calendar

Attached is 2024-2025 St. Vincent Schools Calendar

2024-2025 School Calenda...Read More

2024-2025 School Calendar

Attached is 2024-2025 St. Vincent Schools Calendar

2024-2025 School Calendar


Due to a recent Football Conference realignment, the 2024 Homecoming football games for both the Perryville Pirates and the St. Vincent Indians hav...Read More


Due to a recent Football Conference realignment, the 2024 Homecoming football games for both the Perryville Pirates and the St. Vincent Indians have been rescheduled. 
- St. Vincent will play their homecoming football game vs the Cuba Wildcats on Friday, October 11th at 7:30 PM.
- Perryville will play their homecoming football game vs the Herculaneum Blackcats on Saturday, October 19th at 1:00 PM.
Please stay tuned to both schools as they send other updates for their homecoming weekends. 

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